Best Things About Pharaoh Family

During ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was considered a god. He had a responsibility to protect his people and make sure that they were safe from harm.

He also had to attack neighboring countries if they were doing something wrong. He could do this by making war or attacking them for their resources.


Tutankhamun was the son of a heretic pharaoh named Akhenaten who changed the entire religion of Egypt and forced everyone to worship only the sun god Aten. He also built a new capital city in honor of Aten called Amarna.

After his father died at the young age of nine, Tutankhamun was crowned king. He reversed many of his father’s decisions and Egypt returned to polytheism.

He ruled for only a few years and then died at age nineteen. He was buried near the Valley of the Kings with much wealth and treasures in his tomb.

His tomb was discovered in 1922 by archeologist Howard Carter. He is one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs in history.

His tomb is filled with treasures, most of which have been lost for thousands of years. But a small number of them have achieved worldwide fame and are regularly shown in museums.


Queen Ankhesenamun was the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, two of Egypt’s most prominent pharaohs during the 18th Dynasty. During her lifetime, she was widely regarded as the most powerful and influential woman in Egypt, due to her significant influence and authority during her time as consort and queen regnant.

Ankhesenamun grew up in her father’s purpose-built capital city of Akhetaten, present-day Amarna. During her childhood, she and her sisters were doted upon by their royal parents.

The third of King Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s six daughters, Ankhesenamun was born around c. 1350 B.C.

When she was young, her name was Ankhesenpaaten, which means “she lives through Aten.” Her name was changed after her father, the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten, rewrote ancient Egypt by turning away from its old gods and worshipping the sun disc, Aten.

After her father’s death, Ankhesenamun married Tutankhamun, who became the next pharaoh of Egypt. He and Ankhesenamun ruled for 10 years before Tut died.


Queen Nefertiti was one of the most important women in Egyptian history. The wife of King Akhenaten, she played a key role in changing Egypt’s ancient religion to a new one centred on the sun god Aten.

She had a powerful role in her husband’s court and was a partner in power with him. Carved images show her smiting enemies and riding a chariot, as well as worshipping the Aten in the same way as a pharaoh.

Her parents, Tey and Ay, came from the Middle Egyptian city of Achmim and had strong ties to both the royal family and Akhenaten’s mother Tiye. This was unsurprising, as they had a reputation for court intrigue and were often close to the king.

Nefertiti’s role in her husband’s reign was elevated before his death and she became a co-regent (an equal if not higher status than a pharaoh) under the name of Neferneferuaten. She is thought to have disappeared from the historical record around Year 12 of her husband’s reign, but her presence has been rediscovered more than 3,000 years later in a life-sized bust found by a German archaeologist.


Kiya was Akhenaten’s secondary wife and he greatly loved her. She bore him a son, the famous Boy King Tutankhamun.

Incest, or in-breeding, was the norm for pharaohs in ancient Egypt. This practice of intermingling blood resulted in defective genes and deformities throughout the 파라오계열.

Unlike Nefertiti, who had the title ‘Great Royal Wife’, Kiya’s inscriptions at the Maru-Aton feature a unique epithet: ‘the (king’s) greatly beloved wife’.

Archaeologists have uncovered artifacts associated with her including a mummy, a coffin, and four canopic jars. The mummy has had its eyes gouged out, and her inscriptions have been systematically erased. The surviving jars are now housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Cairo museums. The mummy in Tomb 55 may also have been associated with Kiya. Regardless of her identity, she’s a fascinating figure in the pharaoh’s family. She disappeared from history a few years before her pharaoh’s death. It’s a shame that so much of her story was lost over time.

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